Alex Ghitza

Mondays 1pm-2pm, Thursdays 10am-12pm in Peter Hall 166

Mailing address: Alex Ghitza,
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
The University of Melbourne,
Parkville VIC 3010, Australia.


I am an associate professor in Pure Mathematics at the University of Melbourne, in Australia. My research is in arithmetic algebraic geometry, an area at the intersection of number theory and algebraic geometry. I am also keenly interested in computational aspects of both number theory and algebraic geometry.

I am part of the Number Theory Group, and secretary of Number Theory Down Under.

Anna Medvedovsky and I taught a short course on Galois representations and modular forms at the Introduction to SAGA research school at Luminy in early 2023.

Chenyan Wu and I organised the 2020 Number Theory Down Under meeting.

Recent publications (more)

Current teaching (more)